Custom Squarespace website design: What to expect

I want you to be thrilled with your new Squarespace website, and to enjoy the process

Here are details about our collaboration for your custom website project

I work with just one client at a time. This means that yours will be my only custom web design project during the dates we’re building your site. As your strategic partner, my focus is on your vision and your goals.

This enables me to deliver outstanding quality work, on time.

close-up of desk items, representing a Squarespace website project

Our teamwork together

Your new Squarespace website comes together quickly due to careful preparation and organization:

What I will do

  • Support you and cheerlead throughout the project.

  • Design and build a custom, professional website using the Squarespace platform.

  • Take care of all technical details like connecting your domain, and configuring basic SEO settings.

  • Explain everything clearly and simply, using as little jargon as possible.

  • Launch your website on your behalf.

  • Provide initial training in how to make simple edits, if you choose to include this in your scope.

What you must do

  • Commit to prioritize your time to collaborate with me on your strategic new website.

  • Complete questionnaires covering your style preferences and business needs.

  • Arrange a professional photoshoot, if you don’t already have high quality photos for your website.

  • Submit all of your content (words, images, inspiration examples…) before our Design Period.

  • Be available and responsive during our Design Period.

  • In particular, you must set time aside to review your website and give me feedback.

  • Provide me with account access details, so I can configure your domain settings and other integrations.

  • Strongly recommended: put your new website to work with intentional, ongoing action to drive traffic to it.


+ How long should I allow to prepare my content?

This is a vital part of the process and your content must be 100% ready before our Design Period begins. For this reason, I suggest you allow 3-4 weeks to prepare, or more if you need to arrange photography, videography, or copywriting.

+ My book is coming out in a few months. Is it too early to create my author website?

It's never too early to establish a simple online presence to show your work and your expertise. This is the perfect time to work together on your Author Platform Blueprint.

+ I've never understood WordPress. Will I get on better with Squarespace?

Most of my clients tell me they find Squarespace much more straightforward than WordPress. However, there is still a learning curve, which is why you're hiring me. Realistically, you shouldn't expect to understand everything about Squarespace in a weekend. (If your website is currently on WordPress, we'll talk more about this when we meet.)

+ When can we start?

I'm typically booked 1-3 months ahead, although sometimes I have an opening a little sooner. This gives us time to firm up your strategy, and for you to gather your content.

+ What is the payment schedule?
  • You'll pay a deposit to reserve your Design Period. This guarantees your slot in my calendar as my only full-service website client during the time I've set aside for you.
  • You'll then make two or three additional payments, depending on the project timeline. Payments are spaced to reflect my deliverables.
  • Payment plans are available.

I use a secure online invoicing system and you'll pay by credit or debit card.

+ Is there a payment plan option?

Yes. Let me know you're interested, and we'll set up a timeline.

+ What's not included?

You'll pay directly for your Squarespace subscription and domain name. Also, if applicable, you'll pay directly for your email list provider and appointment scheduling tool. Some of my clients buy a few stock images, and, occasionally, premium fonts.

+ What if I don't have my content ready for our Design Period?

It's critical that all your content is ready on time. It's not fair to the clients who have scheduled website design after you: I can't delay their projects because you run late. For that reason, your initial deposit is non-refundable. It's a commitment both to me and yourself, that you're serious about investing in your new website.

+ Do I need to have a logo and branding?

I strongly recommend you either bring your professionally designed brand to me, or we can discuss adding on branding essentials. If you're a first-time author, not selling related services, your visual brand elements can start off very simple.

+ Can I use the existing domain that I own?

Almost always, yes. You'll provide me with access details and I'll take care of connecting your domain name so that your new website displays, instead of your old one.

+ Can I bring my blog?

Usually, yes. There is considerable extra effort involved in migrating your blog posts, so we'll need to dicuss this. Most of my clients use the migration as the perfect opportunity to declutter old content and get strategic about what your website visitor sees.

+ Who will look after my new website?

Your Squarespace subscription includes the necessary care and maintenance for your website. (This is what usually requires a costly retainer contract on other platforms.)

For your edits and updates, you can choose whether to make these yourself, or hire me to do them for you, on an ad hoc basis.

Depending on the project scope you choose, I'm delighted to include 1:1 training so you feel confident in making simple edits to your website, and/or publishing new content on your blog.

We’re an ideal match to work together if:

  • ✓ You're an author, or solopreneur with a book. You want to position yourself as an authority and thought leader in your field.

  • ✓ You want my business expertise, strategic advice, and accountability support as your collaborative partner.

  • ✓ You love my fresh, uncluttered design aesthetic.

  • ✓ You’re willing to invest in strategic, custom web design to grow your impact and your audience.

  • ✓ You are committed to a focused process, meaning you’re ready and available to put the work in for preparation, design feedback, and launch.

  • ✓ You'd like to work with a multi-published author who has a personal track record of successful book marketing.

And, for the best results…

✓ You understand that your website is an essential and powerful business tool, when used alongside other marketing activities.


Questions not covered here? Contact me.